Important Notice (COVID-19)

As we all are passing through a very critical phase of our life, COVID-19 is spreading massively and all efforts to contain it at all levels so far have not been fully successful in the USA. Only personal precautions and cautious approach can prevent us from being its victim.

During this ongoing crisis we are available to be reached at any time for any assistance our community members may need from us.

The Consulate General is fully functional and operating during normal working hours and all working days. Please visit the Consulate for any issue during all working days if it cannot be resolved online.

Please also do reach us and share the details with us about any infected patient / victim of COVID-19 from Pakistani Community. We will fully assist and support you any time if you may need it.

Please share details of any victim on our email / and contact Mr. Atif Aziz, Commercial Counselor on his cell phone number +1 424 439 8417 or directly to the Consul General Mr. Abdul Jabbar Memon on his cell number +1 310 849 5256.

Stay safe and blessed.