All posts by Website Editor

Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018

Government of Pakistan has established ” Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018″ to raise funds / donations for construction of dams in the country.

All overseas Pakistanis living in the United States of America can make contribution for this cause in the following Account which has been specifically established for this purpose. The contributions may be sent through bank transfer / Wire transfer / personal check / money order / cashier check.

Account Title Consulate General of Pakistan
“Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018”
Account No 401242190
Bank Name Habib American Bank,
& Address 110 East 9th Street,
Los Angeles CA 90079
Routing 026007362

All donors who will submit their donation in the Consulate in person will be given receipt immediately.

The donors opting for direct deposit in the relevant account with HAB bank may also retrieve the receipt from the Consulate General after sharing the details of amount, their e mail address or postal address, where they wish the receipt to be mailed.



Government of Pakistan has announced two tax amnesty shcemes, namely, Voluntary Declaration of Domestic Assets Act 2018 for undisclosed income and domestic assets and Foreign Assets (Declaration and Repatriation) Act, 2018 for undisclosed foreign assets.

The deadline for availing of this opportunity is June 30th 2018. All the relevant information and procedures for availing the said amnesty is availabe at  View detail

Tender Notice

The Consulate General of Pakistan Los Angeles wants to acquire Health Insurance Plan (medical, dental and vision) for its total 09 Employees, comprising 06 employees with families and 03 single employees. Tenders are invited from reputed Health Insurance Companies/Health Insurance agents / Brokers. View Detail

Youth Convention 2018

Consul General of Pakistan Abdul Jabbar Memon participated in Pakistani – American Community and Youth Convention -2018 . The theme of the event was “ Connecting the Dots”. From Los Angeles Mr Naved Sherwani , Dr Imran Sharif , Jamal Khawaja, Irfan Murtaza, Saadya Suhail , Arif Mansuri, Waqar Khan and Shalina Lakhani attended the event. Mr Irfan Murtaza and Sadya Suhail participated in Art and Literature Segment of the Convention.

Kashmir Solidarity Day’06 April 2018 (President of Pakistan’s Message)

Office of the Spokesperson
Press Release
Message by the President of Pakistan on the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’06 April 2018
The Government and the people of Pakistan reaffirm their continued and resolute moral, diplomatic and political support to the oppressed people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their valiant struggle for the fundamental right to self determination.
The recent mindless killing spree carried out by the Indian security forces that took away lives of more than 20 Kashmiri youth and injured in excess of 200 unarmed protestors are a testament to the atrocities being perpetrated against the innocent Kashmiris. In their historic struggle, the courageous and determined people of IOK have rendered unparalleled sacrifices. Indian state terrorism has failed to deter the people of IoK from their struggle for freedom from Indian oppression.
Pakistan calls upon the international community to be cognizant of its responsibilities in the matter and urge India to facilitate the visit of independent Fact Finding teams of OHCHR and IPHRC to look into the gross human rights violations in IoK being perpetrated by Indian occupation forces and to fulfill its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir.
06 April 2018

Kashmir Solidarity Day’06 April (Foreign Minister’s Message)

Office of the Spokesperson
Press Release
Message by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan on the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ 06 April, 2018
For the last 70 years the valiant people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are waging a heroic struggle against Indian oppression, for the realization of the inalienable right to self-determination which has been envisaged in the United Nations Security Council resolutions. These resolutions remain unimplemented because India has backed out of its commitments and wants to continue with subjugation and oppression of the Kashmiri people.
The recent killings of 20 unarmed civilians in IoK, are again a manifestation of the Indian policy of trying to resolve the disputes through the barrel of the gun. The massacre carried out by the Indian occupation forces is totally unacceptable and should be unequivocally condemned by the international community and human rights community around the world. The people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir are being deprived of the basic rights to life and self-determination.
The courageous people of IoK have rendered unmatched sacrifices in this indigenous struggle. The atrocious Indian brutalities have failed to suppress their inviolable spirit. On this day, the Government and people of Pakistan and the people across the world salute the Kashmiri people for their courage, bravery and persistence in the just struggle against Indian occupation and reiterate the continued and steadfast political, moral and diplomatic support to them.
Pakistan reminds the international community of its responsibilities and urges them to fulfill their promise made with the people of Jammu and Kashmir by implementing UN Security Council resolutions. To investigate the gross human rights abuses, International community should urge India to give access to the Fact Finding Missions of OHCHR and IPHRC to Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. 
Jammu and Kashmir is the core dispute between India and Pakistan and peace in the region will remain elusive until its resolution, in accordance with the will of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
06 April 2018