All posts by PakConsulate LA Admin

Northern California Consular Camp on Saturday, August 21, 2021

No Face Mask No Service

Northern California Consular Camp

By the Consulate General of Pakistan, Los Angeles

On Saturday, August 21, 2021

Services for attestation and registration of newborn babies will be provided:

Venue: 1930Del Paso RD#121, Sacramento, CA 95834.

Timing of Services:     10:00am to 16:00pm


  1.    Attestation fee: $8.00 per Executant /Document
  2.    Registration of newborn babies: $5.00 (Please bring a prepaid self-address envelope for return mail)
  3.    Mode of Payment: Money Order or Cashier Check only in favor of “Consulate general of Pakistan, Los Angeles”.

Note:  Every applicant coming to receive the services must wear a Mask (No exception) Only those who need a service should come and wait for your turn.

  1. Please visit website of Pakistan Consulate Los Angeles for downloading the Appropriate Application forms and other information at

(Consular services at the top left or download portion an the top right of the website)

No Visa, NICOP/ POC and Passport Services are Provided on the Consular Camp.


Consular Camp in Kent (Washington) by the Consulate General of Pakistan, Los Angeles on Sunday, July 18

No Face Mask No Service

Services for attestation and registration of new born babies will be provided:

Venue:  Islamic Center of Federal Way, 3304 S 272nd St, Kent WA 98032.

Timing of Services :     1100 hrs to 1700 hrs


  1.    Attestation fee: $8.00 per Executant /Document
  2.    Registration of new born babies: $5.00 (Please bring a prepaid self-address envelope for return mail)
  3.    Mode of payment: Money Order or Cashier Check only in favor of “Consulate General of Pakistan, Los Angeles”.

Note:    Every applicant coming to receive the services must wear a Mask (No exception) Only those who need a service should come and wait for your turn.

  1. Please visit website of Pakistan Consulate Los Angeles for downloading the Appropriate Application forms and other information at (Consular Services at the top left or Download portion on the top right of the website).

No Visa, NICOP/POC and Passport Services are provided in the Consular Camp.